She's a Punk Rocker UK


She's a Punk Rocker UK

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16 - Não recomendado para menores de 16 anos 68 minutos

A film documentary by and about Punk Rock women. An oral history by the women who were part of Punk.

"Punk women changed the public face of female. It was very empowering for universal women. The story of punk could almost be a women's liberation story". Caroline Coon.

1976 sees the explosion of a new subculture: Punk. Punk women were clearly visible by their appearance, clothes, makeup, hair, piercing and tattoos. Punk was the first youth movement where women were equals. Prior to punk, women were seen as the girlfriends of skins, mods, hippies and teddy boys, but a female punk was a punk. Punks, both male and female, hit the media headlines from 1976 onwards. Moral outcry erupted as the media and officialdom proclaimed Punk Public Enemy Number One. Being a punk was dangerous, so why did so many women become punks? Was it just about dressing up outrageously? Were these punk women treated as equal members of the subculture and how were they treated by the rest of society? How did being a punk affect their lives? Did punk woman directly influence society's attitudes to women today. The lives of these women will reveal an insight into female punks and a culture that has been greatly misunderstood and misrepresented in the media.

Their personal oral histories explore their experiences of being a punk. Life stories, gigs, fashion, music, politics, friends, relations & events. The women to a varying extent agree that today they are still punks at heart, if not in appearance. Why did women want to be punks? How did they become punks? Socially what was happening in their lives? Was it a gradual move or a sudden overnight decision? Did being a punk change their lives? The present media interest in punk is a male-dominated vision of the era. This programme reassesses - from the perspectives of punk women - women's roles in a dynamic movement that irreversibly changed the face of society, politics, art and music.

Director: Zillah Minx -1976 Punk. Lead singer with punk band Rubella Ballet since 1979.

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