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Lista criada por Rafael poyse1
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Documentários Estranhos

Documentários sobre temas estranhos, exóticos e pessoas excêntricas

Lista editada há 3 anos

103 0

Você já viu 0 dos 103 filmes desta lista.
  1. Sick: The Life and Death of Bob Flanagan, Supermasochist (Sick: The Life and Death of Bob Flanagan, Supermasochist)

    Sick: The Life and Death of Bob Flanagan, Supermasochist

    4.1 6
  2. Grey Gardens (Grey Gardens)

    Grey Gardens

    4.3 105
  3. Vernon, Florida (Vernon, Florida)

    Vernon, Florida

    3.0 1
  4. Burden of Dreams (Burden of Dreams)

    Burden of Dreams

    4.2 19
  5. The Emperor’s Naked Army Marches On (Yuki Yukite Shingun)

    The Emperor’s Naked Army Marches On

    4.6 6
  6. Revelações Secretas de Uma Mulher (極私的エロス 恋歌1974)

    Revelações Secretas de Uma Mulher

    3.8 4
  7. Goodbye CP (Sayonara CP)

    Goodbye CP

    4.2 1
  8. Cane Toads (Cane Toads: An Unnatural History)

    Cane Toads

    3.8 1
  9. Francis Ford Coppola - O Apocalipse de um Cineasta (Hearts of Darkness - A Filmmaker's Apocalypse)

    Francis Ford Coppola - O Apocalipse de um Cineasta

    4.4 90
  10. Perverse Preachers, Fascist Fundamentalists and Kristian Kiddie Kooks (Perverse Preachers, Fascist Fundamentalists and Kristian Kiddie Kooks)

    Perverse Preachers, Fascist Fundamentalists and Kristian Kiddie Kooks

    4.0 0
  11. Crumb (Crumb)


    4.3 66
  12. Relics: Einstein’s Brain (Relics: Einstein’s Brain)

    Relics: Einstein’s Brain

    5.0 0
  13. Tablóide (Tabloid)


    3.7 7
  14. Mr. Death: The Rise and Fall of Fred A. Leuchter, Jr. (Mr. Death: The Rise and Fall of Fred A. Leuchter, Jr.)

    Mr. Death: The Rise and Fall of Fred A. Leuchter, …

    4.1 1
  15. Hands on a Hard Body: The Documentary (Hands on a Hard Body: The Documentary)

    Hands on a Hard Body: The Documentary

    4.3 0
  16. A Hole in the Head (A Hole in the Head)

    A Hole in the Head

    3.3 1
  17. Meu Melhor Inimigo (Mein liebster Feind)

    Meu Melhor Inimigo

    4.2 30
  18. American Movie (American Movie)

    American Movie

    4.1 9 Assista Agora
  19. Wisconsin Death Trip (Wisconsin Death Trip)

    Wisconsin Death Trip

    3.0 1
  20. Hell House (Hell House)

    Hell House

  21. Cinemania (Cinemania)


    3.5 6
  22. Tarnation (Tarnation)


    4.2 28
  23. Na Captura dos Friedmans (Capturing the Friedmans)

    Na Captura dos Friedmans

    3.9 57 Assista Agora
  24. A Certain Kind of Death (A Certain Kind of Death)

    A Certain Kind of Death

    3.2 2
  25. Jesus, You Know (Jesus, Du weisst)

    Jesus, You Know

    3.4 7 Assista Agora
  26. Nos Reinos do Irreal: O Mistério de Henry Darger (In The Realms Of The Unreal: The Mystery Of Henry Darger)

    Nos Reinos do Irreal: O Mistério de Henry Darger

    4.0 6
  27. O Homem-Urso (Grizzly Man)

    O Homem-Urso

    4.0 143 Assista Agora
  28. Loucuras de um Gênio (The Devil and Daniel Johnston)

    Loucuras de um Gênio

    4.4 71
  29. A Ponte (The Bridge)

    A Ponte

    4.0 301 Assista Agora
  30. Jesus Camp (Jesus Camp)

    Jesus Camp

    3.7 135
  31. Confissões de um Super-Herói (Confessions of a Superhero)

    Confissões de um Super-Herói

    3.5 3
  32. Crazy Love (Crazy Love)

    Crazy Love

    3.7 1
  33. Zoo (Zoo)


    2.4 6
  34. Dear Zachary: Um Caso Chocante (Dear Zachary: A Letter to a Son About His Father)

    Dear Zachary: Um Caso Chocante

    4.4 251
  35. I Think We're Alone Now (I Think We're Alone Now)

    I Think We're Alone Now

    3.3 2
  36. Jesus Christus Erlöser (Jesus Christus Erlöser)

    Jesus Christus Erlöser

    4.3 3


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