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Lista criada por Mario Nigra marionigra
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Curtas de Animação da Disney (Lista Completa)

Lista completa com todos os curtas animados produzidos pela Disney.

1 - A lista é organizada cronologicamente.
2 - Os nomes estão no original em inglês.
3 - Alguns curtas não estão cadastrados no Filmow e estão sinalizados na lista abaixo entre parênteses.
4 - Alguns curtas foram perdidos e estão sinalizados na lista abaixo entre parênteses, estes NÃO foram adicionados devido a impossibilidade de assistí-los.
5 - Laugh-O-Gram foi a primeira empresa de animação fundada por Walt Disney, e também está listada abaixo.
6 - Usei diversas fontes e combinei diversos sites, mas a principal foi essa: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Walt_Disney_Animation_Studios_short_films

Caso esteja faltando algum filme, não deixe de comentar :) Obrigado!
Lista criada em: 19/03/2024
Última atualização: 19/03/2024

- LONGAS DE ANIMAÇÃO DA DISNEY (LISTA COMPLETA): https://filmow.com/listas/animacoes-da-disney-pixar-lista-completa-l197641/
- PIXAR (LISTA COMPLETA): https://filmow.com/listas/pixar-lista-completa-l242236/
- ANIMAÇÕES NO OSCAR - TODOS OS INDICADOS: https://filmow.com/listas/animacoes-no-oscar-todos-os-indicados-l241828/
- ANIMAÇÕES NO OSCAR - APENAS VENCEDORES: https://filmow.com/listas/animacoes-no-oscar-apenas-vencedores-l241832/



- Newman Laugh-O-Grams (1921)
- Little Red Riding Hood (1922)
- The Four Musicians of Bremen (1922)
- Jack and the Beanstalk (1922)
- Jack the Giant Killer (1922)
- Goldie Locks and the Three Bears (1922)
- Puss in Boots (1922)
- Cinderella (1922)
- Tommy Tucker’s Tooth (1922)
- Martha (1923) (filme perdido)
- Alice’s Wonderland (1923)

- Alice’s Day at Sea (1924)
- Alice’s Spooky Adventure (1924)
- Alice’s Wild West Show (1924)
- Alice’s Fishy Story (1924)
- Alice and the Dog Catcher (1924)
- Alice the Peacemaker (1924)
- Alice Gets in Dutch (1924)
- Alice Hunting in Africa (1924)
- Alice and the Three Bears (1924)
- Alice the Piper (1924)
- Alice Cans the Cannibals (1925)
- Alice the Toreador (1925)
- Alice Gets Stung (1925)
- Alice Solves the Puzzle (1925)
- Alice’s Egg Plant (1925)
- Alice Loses Out (1925)
- Alice Gets Stage Struck (1925)
- Alice Wins the Derby (1925)
- Alice Picks the Champ (1925)
- Alice’s Tin Pony (1925)
- Alice Chops the Suey (1925)
- Alice the Jall Bird (1925)
- Alice Plays Cupid (1925) (filme perdido)
- Alice Rattled by Rats (1925)
- Alice in the Jungle (1925)
- Alice on the Farm (1926)
- Alice’s Ballon Race (1926)
- Alice’s Orphan (1926)
- Alice’s Little Parade (1926)
- Alice’s Mysterious Mystery (1926)
- Alice Charms the Fish (1926) (filme perdido)
- Alice’s Monkey Business (1926) (filme perdido)
- Alice in the Wooly West (1926)
- Alice the Fire Fighter (1926)
- Alice Cuts the Ice (1926) (filme perdido)
- Alice Helps the Romance (1926)
- Alice’s Spanish Guitar (1926)
- Alice’s Brown Derby (1926)
- Alice the Lumberjack (1926) (filme perdido)
- Alice the Golf Bug (1927) (filme perdido)
- Alice Foils the Pirates (1927) (filme perdido)
- Alice at the Carnival (1927) (filme perdido)
- Alice at the Rodeo (1927)
- Alice the Collegiate (1927) (filme perdido)
- Alice in the Alps (1927) (filme perdido)
- Alice’s Auto Race (1927) (filme parcialmente perdido)
- Alice’s Circus Daze (1927)
- Alice’s Knaughty Knight (1927) (filme perdido)
- Alice’s Three Bad Eggs (1927) (filme perdido)
- Alice’s Picnic (1927) (filme perdido)
- Alice’s Channel Swim (1927) (filme perdido)
- Alice in the Klondike (1927) (filme perdido)
- Alice’s Medicine Show (1927) (filme perdido)
- Alice the Whaler (1927)
- Alice the Beach Nut (1927) (filme perdido) → última aparição do Gato Julius
- Alice in the Big League (1927) → último curta da série Alice Comedies
- Trolley Troubles (1927) → primeiro curta da série Oswald the Lucky Rabbit
- Oh Teacher (1927)
- The Mechanical Cow (1927)
- Great Guns! (1927)
- All Wet (1927)
- The Ocean Hop (1927)
- The Banker’s Daughter (1927) (filme perdido)
- Empty Socks (1927) (filme parcialmente perdido)
- Rickety Gin (1927) (filme perdido)
- Harem Scarem (1928) (filme parcialmente perdido)
- Neck ‘n’ Neck (1928)
- The Ole Swimmin’ Hole (1928)
- Africa Before Dark (1928)
- Rival Romeos (1928)
- Bright Lights (1928)
- Sagebrush Sadie (1928) (filme perdido)
- Ride ‘Em Plowboy (1928) (filme perdido)
- Ozzie of the Mounted (1928)
- Hungry Hoboes (1928)
- Plane Crazy → primeira aparição de Mickey e Minnie Mouse
- Oh, What a Knight (1928)
- Poor Papa (1928)
- The Fox Chase (1928)
- Tall Timber (1928)
- Sleigh Bells (1928)
- High Up (1928)
- Hot Dogs (1928) (filme perdido)
- The Sky Scrapper (1928) → último curta da série Oswald the Lucky Rabbit
- Steamboat Willie (1928) → considerado o primeiro curta lançado de Mickey Mouse
- The Gallopin’ Gaucho (1928)
- The Barn Dance (1929)
- The Opry House (1929)
- When the Cat’s Away (1929)
- The Barnyard Battle (1929)
- The Plowboy (1929)
- The Karnival Kid (1929)
- The Skeleton Dance (1929) → primeiro curta da série Silly Symphony
- Mickey’s Follies (1929)
- El Terrible Toreador (1929)
- Mickey’s Choo-Choo (1929)
- The Jazz Fool (1929)
- Springtime (1929)
- Hell’s Bells (1929)
- Jungle Rhythm (1929)
- The Haunted House (1929)
- The Merry Dwarfs (1929)
- Wild Waves (1929)
- Summer (1930)
- Minnie’s Yoo Hoo (1930)
- Autumn (1930)
- Cannibal Capers (1930)
- Fiddling Around (1930)
- The Barnyard Concert (1930)
- Night (1930)
- Frolicking Fish (1930)
- The Cactus Kid (1930)
- Arctic Antics (1930)
- The Fire Fighters (1930)
- The Shindig (1930)
- Midnight in a Toy Shop (1930)
- The Chain Gang (1930)
- Monkey Melodies (1930)
- The Gorilla Mystery (1930)
- The Picnic (1930)
- Winter (1930)
- Pioneer Days (1930)
- Playful Pan (1930)
- The Birthday Party (1931)
- Birds of a Feather (1931)
- Traffic Troubles (1931)
- The Castaway (1931)
- Mother Goose Melodies (1931)
- The Moose Hunt (1931)
- The China Plate (1931)
- The Delivery Boy (1931)
- The Busy Beavers (1931)
- Mickey Steps Out (1931)
- The Cat’s Out (1931)
- Blue Rhythm (1931)
- Egyptian Melodies (1931)
- Fishin’ Around (1931)
- The Clock Store (1931)
- The Barnyard Broadcast (1931)
- The Spider and the Fly (1931)
- The Beach Party (1931)
- The Fox Hunt (1931)
- Mickey Cuts Up (1931)
- Mickey’s Orphans (1931)
- The Ugly Duckling (1931)
- The Bird Store (1932)
- The Duck Hunt (1932)
- The Grocery Boy (1932)
- The Mad Dog (1932)
- Barnyard Olympics (1932)
- Mickey’s Revue (1932) → primeira aparição do Pateta
- Musical Farmer (1932)
- The Bears and the Bees (1932)
- Mickey in Arabia (1932)
- Just Dogs (1932)
- Flowers and Trees (1932) → primeiro curta em 3-strip Technicolor
- Mickey’s Nightmare (1932)
- Trader Mickey (1932)
- King Nepture (1932) → primeiro curta em total Technicolor
- The Whoopee Party (1932)
- Bugs in Love (1932)
- Touchdown Mickey (1932)
- The Klondike Kid (1932)
- The Wayward Canary (1932)
- Parade of the Award Nominees (1932) → primeira aparição em cor do Mickey Mouse
- Babes in the Woods (1932)
- Santa’s Workshop (1932)
- Mickey’s Good Deed (1932)
- Building a Building (1933)
- The Mad Doctor (1933)
- Mickey’s Pal Pluto (1933)
- Birds in the Spring (1933)
- Mickey’s Mellerdrammer (1933)
- Ye Olden Days (1933)
- Father Noah’s Ark (1933)
- Three Little Pigs (1933)
- The Mail Pilot (1933)
- Mickey’s Mechanical Man (1933)
- Mickey’s Gala Premier (1933)
- Old King Cole (1933)
- Lullaby Land (1933)
- Puppy Love (1933)
- The Pied Piper (1933)
- The Steeplechase (1933)
- The Pet Store (1933)
- Giantland (1933)
- The Night Before Christmas (1933)
- The China Shop (1934)
- Shanghaied (1934)
- The Grasshopper and the Ants (1934)
- Camping Out (1934)
- Playful Pluto (1934)
- Funny Little Bunnies (1934)
- The Big Bad Wolf (1934)
- Gulliver Mickey (1934)
- The Hot Choc-late Soldiers (1934) (não cadastrado)
- The Wise Little Hen (1934) → primeira aparição do Pato Donald
- Mickey’s Steam Roller (1934)
- The Flying Mouse (1934)
- Orphan’s Benefit (1934)
- Peculiar Penguins (1934)
- Mickey Plays Papa (1934)
- The Goddess of Spring (1934)
- The Dognapper (1934)
- Two-Gun Mickey (1934)
- The Tortoise and the Hare (1935)
- Mickey’s Man Friday (1935)
- The Band Concert (1935)
- Mickey’s Service Station (1935)
- The Golden Touch (1935)
- Mickey’s Kangaroo (1935) → último curta produzido em preto e branco
- The Robber Kitten (1935)
- Water Babies (1935)
- The Cookie Carnival (1935)
- Who Killed Cock Robin? (1935)
- Mickey’s Garden (1935)
- Mickey’s Fire Brigade (1935)
- Pluto’s Judgement Day (1935)
- On Ice (1935)
- Music Land (1935)
- Three Orphan Kittens (1935)
- Cock o’ the Walk (1935)
- Broken Toys (1935)
- Mickey’s Polo Team (1936)
- Orphan’s Picnic (1936)
- Mickey’s Grand Opera (1936)
- Elmer Elephant (1936)
- Three Little Wolves (1936)
- Thru the Mirror (1936)
- Mickey’s Rival (1936)
- Moving Day (1936)
- Alpine Climbers (1936)
- Mickey’s Circus (1936)
- Toby Tortoise Returns (1936)
- Donald and Pluto (1936)
- Three Blind Mouseketeers (1936)
- Mickey’s Elephant (1936)
- The Country Cousin (1936)
- Mother Pluto (1936)
- More Kittens (1936)
- The Worm Turns (1937)
- Don Donald (1937)
- Magician Mickey (1937)
- Moose Hunters (1937)
- Woodland Café (1937)
- Mickey’s Amateurs (1937)
- Little Hiawatha (1937)
- Modern Inventions (1937)
- Hawaiian Holiday (1937)
- Clock Cleaners (1937)
- The Old Mill (1937)
- Pluto’s Quin-puplets (1937)
- Donald’s Ostrich (1937)
- Lonesome Ghosts (1937)
- Self Control (1938)
- Boat Builders (1938)
- Donald’s Better Self (1938)
- Moth and the Flame (1938)
- Donald’s Nephews (1938)
- Mickey’s Trailers (1938)
- Wynken, Blynken, and Nod (1938)
- Polar Trappers (1938)
- Good Scouts (1938)
- The Fox Hunt (1938)
- The Whalers (1938)
- Mickey’s Parrot (1938)
- Brave Little Taitor (1938)
- Farmyard Symphony (1938)
- Donald’s Golf Game (1938)
- Ferdinand the Bull (1938)
- Merbabies (1938)
- Mother Goose Goes Holliwood (1938)
- The Standard Parade (1939)
- Donald’s Lucky Day (1939)
- Society Dog Show (1939) → último curta com o design antigo do Mickey
- Mickey’s Surprise Party (1939)
- The Practical Pig (1939)
- Goofy and Wilbur (1939)
- The Ugly Duckling (1939) → último curta da série Silly Symphonies
- The Hockey Champ (1939)
- Donald’s Cousin Gus (1939)
- Beach Picnic (1939)
- Sea Scouts (1939)
- The Pointer (1939)
- Donald’s Penguin (1939)
- The Autograph Hound (1939)
- Officer Duck (1939)
- The Riveter (1940)
- Donald’s Dog Laundry (1940)
- Tugboat Mickey (1940)
- Billposters (1940)
- Mr. Duck Steps Out (1940)
- Bon Troble (1940)
- Put-Put Troubles (1940)
- Donald’s Vacation (1940)
- Pluto’s Dream House (1940)
- The Volunteer Work (1940)
- Window Cleaners (1940)
- Mr. Mouse Takes a Trip (1940)
- Goofy’s Glider (1940)
- Fire Chief (1940)
- Pantry Pirate (1940)
- Timber (1941)
- Pluto’s Playmate (1941)
- The Little Whirlwind (1941)
- Golden Eggs (1941)
- A Gentleman’s Gentleman (1941)
- Baggage Buster (1941)
- A Good Time for a Dime (1941)
- Canine Caddy (1941)
- The Nifty Nineties (1941)
- Early to Bed (1941)
- Truant Officer Donald (1941)
- Orphan’s Benefit (1941)
- Old MacDonald Duck (1941)
- Lend a Paw (1941)
- Donald’s Camera (1941)
- The Art of Skiing (1941)
- The Thrifty Pig (1941)
- Chef Donald (1941)
- 7 Wise Dwarfs (1941)
- The Art of Self Defense (1941)
- Donald’s Decision (1942)
- All Together (1942)
- The Village Smithy (1942)
- The New Spirit (1942)
- Mickey’s Birthday Party (1942)
- Pluto Junior (1942)
- Symphony Hour (1942)
- Donald’s Snow Fight (1942)
- Donald Gets Drafted (1942)
- The Army Mascot (1942)
- Donald’s Garden (1942)
- The Sleepwalker (1942)
- Food Will Win the War! (1942) → filme industrial da WWII
- Donald’s Gold Mine (1942)
- Out of the Frying Pan and into the Firing Line (1942)
- T-Bone for Two (1942)
- How to Play Baseball (1942)
- The Vanishing Private (1942)
- The Olympic Champ (1942)
- How to Swim (1942)
- Sky Trooper (1942)
- Pluto at the Zoo (1942)
- How to Fish (1942)
- Bellboy Donald (1942)
- Four Methods of Flush Riveting (1942) (não cadastrado) → filme industrial da WWII
- Stop That Tank! (1942) → filme industrial da WWII
- Der Fuehrer’s Face (1943)
- The Grain That Built a Hemisphere (1943) → filme industrial da WWII
- The Spirit of ‘43 (1943)
- Education for Death (1943)
- Donald’s Tire Trouble (1943)
- Pluto and the Armadillo (1943)
- The Flying Jalopy (1943)
- Private Pluto (1943)
- Water, Friend or Enemy (1943) (não cadastrado) → filme industrial da WWII
- Fall Out Fall In (1943)
- Victory Vehicles (1943)
- Defense Against Invasion (1943) → filme industrial da WWII
- Reason and Emotion (1943)
- Figaro and Cleo (1943)
- The Old Army Game
- The Winged Scourge (1943) → filme industrial da WWII
- Home Defense (1943)
- Chicken Little (1943)
- The Pelican and the Snipe (1944)
- How to Be a Sailor (1944)
- Trombone Trouble (1944)
- How to Play Golf (1944)
- Donald Duck and the Gorilla (1944)
- Contrary Condor (1944)
- Commando Duck (1944)
- Springtime for Pluto (1944)
- The Plastics Inventor (1944)
- How to Play Football (1944)
- First Aiders (1944)
- Donald’s Off Day (1944)
- Tiger Trouble (1945)
- The Clock Watcher (1945)
- The Right Spark Plug in the Right Place (1945) (não cadastrado) → filme industrial da WWII
- Dog Watch (1945)
- The Eyes Have It (1945)
- Prevention and Control of Distortion in Arc Welding (1945) (não cadastrado) → filme industrial da WWII
- African Diary (1945)
- The Dawn of Better Living (1945) (não cadastrado) → filme industrial da WWII
- Something You Didn’t Eat (1945) (não cadastrado) → filme industrial da WWII
- Donald’s Crime (1945)
- Hookworm (1945) (não cadastrado) → filme industrial da WWII
- Insects as Carriers of Disease (1945) (não cadastrado) → filme industrial da WWII
- Cleanliness Brings Health (1945) (não cadastrado) → filme industrial da WWII
- Californy’er Bust (1945)
- Canine Casanova (1945)
- Infant Care and Feeding (1945) (não cadastrado) → filme industrial da WWII
- Hold Your Horsepower (1945) (não cadastrado) → filme industrial da WWII
- Duck Pimples (1945)
- Tuberculosis (1945) (não cadastrado) → filme industrial da WWII
- The Human Body (1945) (não cadastrado) → filme industrial da WWII
- What Is Disease? (a.k.a. The Unseen Enemy) (1945) (não cadastrado) → filme industrial da WWII
- How Disease Travels (1945) (não cadastrado) → filme industrial da WWII
- The Legend of Coyote Rock (1945)
- No Sail (1945)
- Hockey Homicide (1945)
- Cured Duck (1945)
- Light Is What Your Make It (1945) (não cadastrado) → filme industrial da WWII
- Canine Patrol (1945)
- Old Sequoia (1945)
- The ABC of Hand Tools (1946) (não cadastrado) → filme industrial da WWII
- The Building of a Tire (1946) (não cadastrado) → filme industrial da WWII
- A Knight for a Day (1946)
- Bathing Time for Baby (1946) (não cadastrado) → filme industrial da WWII
- Planning For Good Eating (1946) → filme industrial da WWII
- Environmental Sanitation (1946) (não cadastrado) → filme industrial da WWII
- Pluto’s Kid Brother (1946)
- In Dutch (1946)
- Squatter’s Rights (1946)
- Donald’s Double Trouble (1946)
- The Purloined Pup (1946)
- A Feather in his Collar (1946)
- Wet Paint (1946)
- Dumb Bell of the Yukon (1946)
- Lighthouse Keeping (1946)
- Treasure from the Sea (1946) (não cadastrado) → filme industrial da WWII
- Bath Day (1946)
- The Story of Menstruation (1946) → filme industrial da WWII
- Frank Duck Brings ‘Em Back Alive (1946)
- Double Dribble (1946)
- Pluto’s Housewarming (1947)
- Rescue Dog (1947)
- Straight Shooters (1947)
- Sleepy Time Donald (1947)
- Figaro and Frankie (1947)
- Clown of the Jungle (1947)
- Donald’s Dilemma (1947)
- Crazy with the Heat (1947)
- Bootle Beetle (1947)
- Wide Open Spaces (1947)
- Mickey’s Delayed Date (1947)
- Fould Hunting (1947)
- Mail Dog (1947)
- Chip an’ Dale (1947)
- Pluto’s Blue Note (1947)
- They’re Off (1948)
- The Big Wash (1948)
- Drip Dippy Donald (1948)
- Mickey Down Under (1948)
- Daddy Duck (1948)
- Bone Bandit (1948)
- Donald’s Dream Voice (1948)
- Pluto’s Purchase (1948)
- The Trial of Donald Duck (1948)
- Cat Nap Pluto (1948)
- Inferior Decorator (1948)
- Pluto’s Fledgling (1948)
- Soup’s On (1948)
- Three for Breakfast (1948)
- Mickey and the Seal (1948)
- Tea for Two Hundred (1948)
- Pueblo Pluto (1949)
- Donald’s Happy Birthday (1949)
- Pluto’s Surprise Package (1949)
- Sea Salts (1949)
- Pluto’s Sweater (1949)
- Winter Storage (1949)
- Bubble Bee (1949)
- Honey Harvester (1949)
- Tennis Racquet (1949)
- All in a Nutshell (1949)
- Goody Gymnastics (1949)
- The Greener Yard (1949)
- Sheep Dog (1949)
- Slide, Donald, Slide (1949)
- Toy Tinkers (1949)
- Pluto’s Heart Throb (1950)
- Lion Around (1950)
- Pluto and the Gopher (1950)
- The Brave Engineer (1950)
- Crazy Over Daisy (1950)
- Wonder Dog (1950)
- Trailer Horn (1950)
- Primitive Pluto (1950)
- Puss Cafe (1950)
- Motor Mania (1950)
- Pests of the West (1950)
- Food for Feudin’ (1950)
- Hook, Lion and Sinker (1950)
- Camp Dog (1950)
- Bee at the Beach (1950)
- Hold That Pose (1950)
- Morris the Midget Moose (1950)
- Out on a Limb (1950)
- Lion Down (1951)
- Chicken in the Rough (1951)
- Cold Storage (1951)
- Dude Duck (1951)
- Home Made Home (1951)
- Corn Chips (1951)
- Cold Ward (1951)
- Plutopia (1951)
- Test Pilot Donald (1951)
- Tomorrow We Diet! (1951)
- Lucky Number (1951)
- R’coon Dawg (1951)
- Get Rich Quick (1951)
- Cold Turkey (1951) → último curta da série Pluto
- Fathers Are People (1951)
- Out of Scale (1951)
- No Smoking (1951)
- Bee on Guard (1951)
- Father’s Lion (1952)
- Donald Applecore (1952)
- Lambert the Sheepish Lion (1952)
- Hello Aloha (1952)
- Two Chips and a Miss (1952)
- Teachers Are People (1952)
- Let’s Stick Together (1952)
- Two-Gun Goofy (1952)
- Susie the Little Blue Coupe (1952)
- Man’s Best Friend (1952)
- Uncle Donald’s Ants (1952)
- Pluto’s Party (1952)
- The Little House (1952)
- Tick or Treat (1952)
- Two Weeks Vacation (1952)
- Pluto’s Christmas Tree (1952)
- How to Be a Detective (1952)
- Father’s Day Off (1953)
- The Simple Things (1953) → último curta da série Mickey Mouse
- For Whom the Bull Toil (1953)
- Melody (1953) (não cadastrado)
- Don’s Fountain of Youth (1953)
- Father’s Week-end (1953)
- How to Dance (1953)
- The New Neighbor (1953)
- Football Now and Then (1953) (não cadastrado)
- Working for Peanuts (1953)
- Rugged Bear (1953)
- Toot, Whistle, Plunk and Boom (1953)
- Ben and Me (1953)
- How to Slep (1953)
- Canvas Back Duck (1953)
- Mickey Mouse March of Dimes (1954) (não cadastrado)
- Spare the Rod (1954)
- Donald’s Diary (1954)
- The Lone Chipmunks (1954) → último curta da série Tico e Teco
- Pig Is Pigs (1954)
- Casey Bats Again (1954)
- Dragon Around (1954)
- Grin and Bear It (1954)
- Social Lion (1954) (não cadastrado)
- The Flying Squirrel (1954)
- Grand Canyonscope (1954)
- No Hunting (1955)
- Up a Tree (1955)
- Bearly Asleep (1955)
- Beezy Bear (1955)
- Chips Ahoy (1956)
- Hooked Beat (1956) (não cadastrado)
- How to Have an Accident in the Home (1956)
- Jac and Old Mac (1956) (não cadastrado)
- In the Bag (1956)
- A Cowboy Needs a Horse (1956) (não cadastrado)
- The Story of Anubur U.S.A. (1957) (não cadastrado)
- The Truth About Mother Goose (1957)
- Paul Bunyan (1958)
- Donald in Mathmagic Land (1959)
- How to Have an Accident at Work (1959)
- Noah’s Ark (1959)
- Goliath II (1960)
- The Saga of Windwagon Smith (1961)
- Donald and the Wheel (1961)
- The Litterbug (1961) → último curta da série Pato Donald
- Aquamania (1961)
- A Symposium on Popular Songs (1962)
- Freewayphobia (1965)
- Steel and America (1965)
- Goofy’s Freeway Troubles (1965)
- Winnie the Pooh and the Honey Tree (1966)
- Donald’s Fire Survival Plan (1965)
- Scrooge McDuck and Money (1967)
- Family Planning (1967)
- Of Horses and Men (1968) (não cadastrado)
- Steps Toward Maturity and Health (1968) (não cadastrado)
- Understanding Stresses and Strains (1968)
- Winnie the Pooh and the Blustery Day (1968)
- Physical Fitness and Good Health (1969) (não cadastrado)
- The Social Side of Health (1969) (não cadastrado)
- The Fight (1969) (não cadastrado)
- The Game (1969) (não cadastrado)
- It’s Tough to Be a Bird (1969)
- The New Girl (1970) (não cadastrado)
- The Lunch Money (1970) (não cadastrado)
- The Project (1970) (não cadastrado)
- Teeth are for Chewing (1971) (não cadastrado)
- The Great Search: Man’s Need for Power and Energy (1971) (não cadastrado)
- Get the Message (1972) (não cadastrado)
- VD Attack Plan (1973)
- Man, Monsters and Mysteries (1974) (não cadastrado)
- Winnie the Pooh and Tigger Too (1974)
- The Small One (1978)
- Understanding Alcohol Use and Abuse (1979) (não cadastrado)
- Foods and Fun: A Nutrition Adventure (1980) (não cadastrado)
- Winnie the Pooh Discovers the Seasons (1981)
- Smoking: The Choice is Yours (1981)
- Vincent (1982) → stop motion
- Fun with Mr. Future (1982)
- Winnie the Pooh and the Day for Eeyore (1983)
- Destination: Careers (1983) (não cadastrado)
- Mickey’s Christmas Carol (1983)
- Destination: Excellence (1983) (não cadastrado)
- Destination: Sciense (1983) (não cadastrado)
- How to Exercise? (1984) (não cadastrado)
- What Is Fitness Exercise? (1984) (não cadastrado)
- Fitness and Me: Why Exercise? (1984)
- All Because Man Wanted to Fly (1984) (não cadastrado)
- Harold and His Amazing Green Plants (1984)
- Destination: Communications (1984) (não cadastrado)
- Advice on Lice (1985) (não cadastrado)

- The Cat that Looked at a King (2004)
- Winnie the Pooh: Shapes and Sizes (2004) (não cadastrado)
- The Origin of Stitch (2005)
- Winnie the Pooh: Wonderful Word Adventure (2006) (não cadastrado)
- Legend of the Chihuahua (2009) (não cadastrado)
- Vitaminamulch: Air Spectacular (2014)



- The Animated Atlas of the World (1986) (não cadastrado)
- Suited for the Sea (1986) (não cadastrado)
- Sport Goody in Soccermania (1987)
- Oilspot and Lipstick (1987) (não cadastrado)
- Roger Rabbit: Tummy Trouble (1989)
- Cranium Command (1989)
- Roger Rabbit: Roller Coaster Rabbit (1990)
- The Prince and the Pauper (1990)
- Off His Rockers (1992)
- Recycle Rex (1993) (não cadastrado)
- Roger Rabbit: Trail Mix-Up (1993)
- Circle of Life: An Environmental Fable (1995)
- Runnaway Brain (1995)
- Pooh’s Hunny Hunt (2000) (não cadastrado)
- John Henry (2000)
- Mickey’s PhilharMagic (2003) (não cadastrado)
- Destino (2003)
- Lorenzo (2004)
- One By One (2004)
- A Dairy Tail (2004)
- The Little Matchgirl (2006)
- How to Hook Up Your Home Theater (2007)
- Glago’s Guest (2008) (não cadastrado)
- Super Rhino (2009)
- Prep & Landing (2009)
- Tiny’s Big Adventure (2009)
- Prep & Landing: Operation Secret Santa (2010)
- Checkin’ in with Goofy (2011)
- The Ballad of Nessie (2011)
- Prep & Landing: Naughty vs. Nice (2011)
- Tangled Ever After (2012)
- Paperman (2012)
- Electric Holiday (2012)
- Get a Horse! (2013)
- Oswald Holiday Greeting Card (2013) (não cadastrado)
- Feast (2014)
- The Further Adventures of Thunderbolt (2015) (não cadastrado)
- Frozen Fever (2015)
- Tick Tock Tale (2015)
- Inner Workings (2016)
- Gone Fishing (2017)
- Ventana (2017) → Disney Interns
- Voilà (2018) (não cadastrado) → Disney Interns
- Maestro (2019) (não cadastrado) → Disney Interns
- Myth: A Frozen Tale (2019)
- Once Upon a Snowman (2020)
- June Bug (2021) (não cadastrado) → Disney Interns
- Us Again (2021)
- Far from the Tree (2021)
- Oswald the Lucky Rabbit (2022)
- 8-Bit Stange World (2022) (não cadastrado)
- Once Upon a Studio (2023)

DISNEY TELEVISION ANIMATION (vários com co-produção):
- Petal to the Metal (1992) (não cadastrado)
- Stand by Me (1995)
- The Bug Hunt (1995) (não cadastrado)
- Dragon Friend (1997) (não cadastrado)
- Redux Riding Hood (1997)
- Three Little Pigs (1997) (não cadastrado)
- Little Angelita (1999) (não cadastrado)
- Grievance of a Starmaker (2002) (não cadastrado)
- Gravity Falls: Creature in the Closet (2012) (não cadastrado)
- The Adventures of Luzu & Manolo (2016) (não cadastrado)
- Natalia’s and Mayden’s Vida Loca (2016) (não cadastrado)
- Eames and Barry (2016) (não cadastrado)
- Hamburger High (2016) (não cadastrado)
- DuckTales: The Lost Key of Tralla La (2017) (não cadastrado)
- Star vs. The Forces of Evil: Interdimensional Scavenger Hunt (2017) (não cadastrado)
- The Ghost and Molly McGee: Scratch Calls the Haunted Mansion (2023) (não cadastrado)

- Short Circuit Season 1 (2020)
- Short Circuit Season 2 (2021)
- How to Stay at Home (2021)
- Olaf Presents (2021)
- Baymax! (2022)
- Zootopia+ (2022)


Lista editada há 2 meses

600 0

Você já viu 0 dos 600 filmes desta lista.
  1. Newman Laugh-O-Grams (Newman Laugh-O-Grams)

    Newman Laugh-O-Grams

    3.2 3
  2. Chapeuzinho Vermelho (Little Red Riding Hood)

    Chapeuzinho Vermelho

    3.0 2
  3. Os Quatro Músicos de Bremen (The Four Musicians of Bremen)

    Os Quatro Músicos de Bremen

    3.2 4
  4. João e o Pé de Feijão (Jack and the Beanstalk)

    João e o Pé de Feijão

    3.9 3
  5. Jack, The Giant Killer (Jack, The Giant Killer)

    Jack, The Giant Killer

    3.0 2
  6. Cachinhos Dourados e os Três Ursos (Goldie Locks and the Three Bears)

    Cachinhos Dourados e os Três Ursos

    3.2 1
  7. O Gato de Botas (Puss in Boots)

    O Gato de Botas

    3.8 0
  8. Cinderela (Cinderella)


    2.8 2
  9. Tommy Tucker's Tooth (Tommy Tucker's Tooth)

    Tommy Tucker's Tooth

    3.4 2
  10. Alice's Wonderland (Alice's Wonderland)

    Alice's Wonderland

    3.8 5
  11. Alice's Day at Sea (Alice's Day at Sea)

    Alice's Day at Sea

    3.6 3
  12. Alice's Spooky Adventure (Alice's Spooky Adventure)

    Alice's Spooky Adventure

    3.4 4
  13. Show de Alice no Velho Oeste (Alice’s Wild West Show)

    Show de Alice no Velho Oeste

    3.9 4
  14. Alice's Fishy Story (Alice's Fishy Story)

    Alice's Fishy Story

    3.3 3
  15. Alice and the Dog Catcher (Alice and the Dog Catcher)

    Alice and the Dog Catcher

    3.4 3
  16. Alice the Peacemaker (Alice the Peacemaker)

    Alice the Peacemaker

    4.0 2
  17. Alice Gets in Dutch (Alice Gets in Dutch)

    Alice Gets in Dutch

    3.6 2
  18. Alice Hunting in Africa (Alice Hunting in Africa)

    Alice Hunting in Africa

    1.6 1
  19. Alice e Os Três Ursos (Alice and The Three Bears)

    Alice e Os Três Ursos

    3.2 3
  20. Alice the Piper (Alice the Piper)

    Alice the Piper

    3.2 1
  21. Alice Cans the Cannibals (Alice Cans the Cannibals)

    Alice Cans the Cannibals

    3.4 4
  22. Alice the Toreador (Alice the Toreador)

    Alice the Toreador

    3.4 3 Assista Agora
  23. Alice Gets Stung (Alice Gets Stung)

    Alice Gets Stung

    3.4 2
  24. Alice Solves the Puzzle (Alice Solves the Puzzle)

    Alice Solves the Puzzle

    3.4 4
  25. Alice's Egg Plant (Alice's Egg Plant)

    Alice's Egg Plant

    3.8 3
  26. Alice Loses Out (Alice Loses Out)

    Alice Loses Out

    3.4 2
  27. Alice Gets Stage Struck (Alice Gets Stage Struck)

    Alice Gets Stage Struck

    3.1 1
  28. Alice Wins the Derby (Alice Wins the Derby)

    Alice Wins the Derby

    3.4 2
  29. Alice Picks the Champ (Alice Picks the Champ)

    Alice Picks the Champ

    3.8 2
  30. Alice's Tin Pony (Alice's Tin Pony)

    Alice's Tin Pony

    2.9 2 Assista Agora
  31. Alice Chops the Suey (Alice Chops the Suey)

    Alice Chops the Suey

    3.2 2
  32. Alice the Jail Bird (Alice the Jail Bird)

    Alice the Jail Bird

    2.9 2
  33. Alice Rattled by Rats (Alice Rattled by Rats)

    Alice Rattled by Rats

    3.1 1 Assista Agora
  34. Alice in the Jungle (Alice in the Jungle)

    Alice in the Jungle

    3.3 2
  35. Alice on the Farm (Alice on the Farm)

    Alice on the Farm

    3.0 1
  36. Alice's Balloon Race (Alice's Balloon Race)

    Alice's Balloon Race

    3.0 1


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