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100 filmes para artistas e designers- Lola Landekic

Lista de filmes para artistas e designer criada por Lola Landekic em http://letterboxd.com/lola/list/100-films-for-artists-and-designers/

Lista de filmes a serem assistidos

Lista editada há 9 anos

77 0

Você já viu 0 dos 77 filmes desta lista.
  1. Cidade Cinza (Cidade Cinza)

    Cidade Cinza

    4.1 41 Assista Agora
  2. Milton Glaser: Para sua informação e deleite (Milton Glaser: To Inform and Delight)

    Milton Glaser: Para sua informação e deleite

    4.2 0
  3. Why Man Creates (Why Man Creates)

    Why Man Creates

    3.7 5
  4. A Beleza é Desconcertante (Beauty is Embarrassing)

    A Beleza é Desconcertante

    4.3 1
  5. Fifi Grita de Felicidade (Fifi az khoshhali zooze mikeshad)

    Fifi Grita de Felicidade

    5.0 0
  6. Eames: O Arquiteto e A Pintora (Eames: The Architect & The Painter)

    Eames: O Arquiteto e A Pintora

    3.9 7 Assista Agora
  7. Design Is One (Design Is One)

    Design Is One

    4.2 0
  8. Julius Shulman - Fotógrafo da Arquitetura Moderna (Visual Acoustics)

    Julius Shulman - Fotógrafo da Arquitetura Moderna

    4.4 4
  9. Ken Burns: America (Ken Burns: America)

    Ken Burns: America

    2.8 0
  10. Helvetica (Helvetica)


    4.0 28
  11. Bill Cunningham New York (Bill Cunningham New York)

    Bill Cunningham New York

    4.3 11
  12. Vidal Sassoon: O Filme (Vidal Sassoon: The Movie)

    Vidal Sassoon: O Filme

    4.5 0
  13. Objectified (Objectified)


    4.1 12
  14. Typeface (Typeface)


    5.0 0
  15. A Model for Matisse (A Model for Matisse)

    A Model for Matisse

    4.0 0
  16. Tim's Vermeer (Tim's Vermeer)

    Tim's Vermeer

    4.2 9
  17. Cutie and the Boxer (Cutie and the Boxer)

    Cutie and the Boxer

    3.9 14
  18. Urbanizado (Urbanized)


    4.2 7
  19. Frida (Frida)


    4.1 1,2K Assista Agora
  20. Basquiat, The Radiant Child (Basquiat, The Radiant Child)

    Basquiat, The Radiant Child

    4.1 11
  21. Everything Must Change: Piet Zwart (Alles Moet Nieuw: Piet Zwart)

    Everything Must Change: Piet Zwart

    4.0 0
  22. How to Make a Book with Steidl (How to Make a Book with Steidl)

    How to Make a Book with Steidl

    3.2 0
  23. Saída Pela Loja de Presentes (Exit Through the Gift Shop)

    Saída Pela Loja de Presentes

    4.3 195
  24. Linotype: O Filme (Linotype: The Film)

    Linotype: O Filme

    4.2 3
  25. Ai Weiwei: Sem Perdão (Ai Weiwei: Never Sorry)

    Ai Weiwei: Sem Perdão

    4.1 9
  26. Between the Folds (Between the Folds)

    Between the Folds

    3.8 2
  27. Sign Painters (Sign Painters)

    Sign Painters

    4.4 0
  28. Art & Copy (Art & Copy)

    Art & Copy

    3.8 11
  29. Style Wars (Style Wars)

    Style Wars

    4.3 4 Assista Agora
  30. Just Like Being There (Just Like Being There)

    Just Like Being There

    3.7 0
  31. It's Such a Beautiful Day (It's Such a Beautiful Day)

    It's Such a Beautiful Day

    4.5 15
  32. The Visual Language of Herbert Matter (The Visual Language of Herbert Matter)

    The Visual Language of Herbert Matter

  33. Esboços De Frank Gehry (Sketches of Frank Gehry)

    Esboços De Frank Gehry

    4.1 14
  34. Beautiful Losers (Beautiful Losers)

    Beautiful Losers

    4.3 5 Assista Agora
  35. A Pintura de Gerhard Richter (Gerhard Richter Painting)

    A Pintura de Gerhard Richter

    4.2 1
  36. The Line King: The Al Hirschfeld Story (The Line King: The Al Hirschfeld Story)

    The Line King: The Al Hirschfeld Story

    2.0 0


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